woensdag 11 november 2009

Day 1 - Case introduction

Today our team along with the rest of the participants of IO3010-CMID visited the office of Delft Bouwt at the Barberasteeg 2.
We were informed by three spokesman from three individual divisions who all play their part in the construction of Delfts new hypermodern city infrastructure.

Berend-Jan Berends from Wesd (WerkplaatsSpoorzoneDelft) introduced us to their company and shared their vision with us students. Wesd is an independent association setup by volunteers.

Their goal is to create a synergy between all those who live, work and enjoy Delft the way they do. They tend to connect people of all expertise to form a community of designers, innovators, culture admirers and the ordinary citizen who, together, face the transformation of their city and try to make the best out of it.

Wesd is convinced of the fact that this so called "transformation" carries a lot of potential to share the joy, interest and gain knowledge about the city, its people and their capabilities.

On my turn I would like to describe the company as a small group of people who decided to start this initiative spreading the idea to "always look on the bright side of live"

Wesd convokes all those with fun, clever or even genius ideas to become a member of their society. Share your opinion/ideas and work for a better cause.

Berend-Jan spoke wisely and inspired us all, he got our team all motivated and ready to conquer this challenge!

For now...best regards,

Sam Anders for Crosslink

ps: Wesd emphasizes that they are not responsible for constructural parts of the process, neither do they function as a decoy to mask the potential horrors and fears that bare with this project.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Nice introduction for the project guys, looking forward to your first results and theme.

    By the way, can you guys update your group number somewhere on your blog? We guess you're either g3 or m2?


  2. Thanks! We used to be group g3, but that's a long time ago.

  3. Nice and clear summary of last wednesday guys!

    Looking forward to your conclusions and findings!
