What is your theme?
The theme we picked is enjoying the chaos. As a group, we are a bit chaotic too, but we’re trying to improve that. We also want to do that with the Spoorzone-project, improve the chaos to something people can enjoy.

We tried to structure the chaos a bit so we would have a clearer view on how to go on from here. Didn’t work out quite well…
Who do you design for?
So we have our mind map, yet it's still a bit unclear which direction we want to follow. Therefore we've decided to think of the involved parties for each type of chaos:
Bus, train & tram
• Commuters
• Other travellers
• Driver
• Shop suppliers
• Commuters by car/bike/foot
• Project suppliers
• Shopping people
• Tourists
• Traffic controllers
• Local residents
• Employees
• Project visitors
• Commuters
• Project suppliers
• Shoppers
• Commuters
• Employees
• Local residents
• Project visitors
• Travellers
• Project visitors
• Local residents
This list of possible target groups is quite extensive, so we count how many times the same party rises as a target group for one of the chaos forms. The most occurred target groups are:
1. Commuters
2. Project visitors
3. Local residents
Of course ‘commuters’ is an obvious target group at a project like this. A bit too obvious we think. It is not very surprising to design for this target group, furthermore these people don't have a lot of time (most commuters are in hurry to work or home), which leaves little possibilities. Therefore we've decided to focus ourselves on the second target group: project visitors. We think there are a lot of challenges for this group where CM can play an important role. Moreover it fits perfectly with WeSD’s Delft Bouwt, which basically already functions as a Project Visitors Centre.

Age: 21
Material Status: Single
Children: None
Income: Student Grant
Education/occupation: Mechanical Engineering
Hobbies: Go out to museum, traveling.
Place: Delft
Visiting Museum
Traveling to Big Cities
Goals and motivations
To learn things
Likes changes in history
Likes architecture and technical stuff

Age: 47
Material Status: Married
Children: 2
Income: 75.000 euro
Education/occupation: English teacher & father
Hobbies: Play with the children, work
Place: Delft
Drinking with colleagues
Sightseeing with my wife
Doing fun things with the kids
Goals and motivations
To keep in touch with my friends and colleagues
It makes me happy when I play with the kids

Age: 75
Material Status: Married
Children: 3
Income: retirement pension
Education/occupation: English teacher
Hobbies: to knit, drinking tea, to weed
Place: Delft
Seeing the neighbours
Neighbourhood meetings
Working in my backyard
Goals and motivations
Too not sit at home all the time.
Keep in touch with the neighborhood
Go for a stroll
What could be their roles?
The role of our personas is to participate in the project and to feel pride of what they have done and at the city Delft. To involve in the project they will understand what the project is about. With the participation in the project with the neighborhood creates togetherness.
What media would fit them?
The media our personas have are different to these persons. For the student and the father a high technical media is possible. But for the retired lady this kind of media is not appropriate yet.
What general concerns do they have?
The concerns of these personas are while this project is going to be successful and in the giving time.
The elderly people can have their concern that the project is to noise or that there are road blocks and they can not pass with their walkers or wheelchairs.
The concern of the father is that their children can not play on the streets anymore because of the road blocks.
The students concern is the route to the centre of the city or to the university. Students are used to noise even though it is not nice.
Roughly, how many people do you think will your target groups consist of?
There are over 93000 inhabitants in Delft from witch more then 13000 students. The number of elderly 50 plus is 27.000. These are interesting numbers for our target group.
Communication goal
To envision our main communication goal, we created a few mind maps. With these maps we tried to find out what exactly we want to communicate to our audience, and also who our audience really is.

We started out with the first map, in which we explored the options if our communication goal. Almost immediately we saw that ‘connecting people’ was an often repeated theme. We would like to connect people through our project, but not just physically, also emotionally by generating a feeling of togetherness.
With this idea in mind, we created a second map in which we explored the different kinds of connecting (what people do we wish to connect with each other) and the different feelings we could generate.

We came up with four different emotions to generate; togetherness, pride, understanding and participation. We’ll explain each of them briefly.
We would like the community that has to deal with the Spoorzone Delft problems, actually feel like a community. They are in this together and should deal with this together.
Instead of seeing the Spoorzone as a long term project that brings a lot of difficulties, let the people picture the project as a change in Delft they can be proud of. There are a lot of beautiful things/buildings in Delft of which the citizens are very proud, let the Spoorzone be a part of that pride.
A lot of development projects are not supported by citizens, because they do not understand the need for the project, especially such big projects as the Spoorzone. All that these people see are problems and failed projects of the past (e.g. noord-zuid lijn in Amsterdam). There has to be an understanding of what the project can do for Delft, and for them.
People are more likely to accept big projects like this if it is not just controlled by one all-deciding, inaccessible corporation, but if they feel like they can participate in the project. This can be done by lectures and brainstorm meetings for citizens, but also more physically by letting the people actually create things that will be used in the project (like Delfts Blue tiles, or paving stones).
The following map shows a few ideas with all the four emotions discussed above. All four emotions have a different base, but overlap at some point. Ideally they would all lead to a feeling of togetherness, the feeling we find most important, and also embodies the other feeling like understanding, participation and pride.
So in the end our communication goal is that we want to create a feeling of togetherness among the citizens of Delft.
(Brand) identity
In our mission to approach people and convinced them of what we believe is in advantage for how they deal with the Spoorzone project, we as a company / design studio need to have our own brand image. This image carries a deeper message within, giving a way what we stand for, the mentaltity/formality of our company structure and even perhaps some slight details of what we refer to in our mission statement.

The “zipper” symbols the link that our company establishes to unite people and the project. We as team Crosslink function as the “slider”, we are driven by C.M.I.D the “tab”, whereas both sides of the “interlocking teeth” represent connection (either project2people or people2people)

Notice how a twist in the zipper can carry many meanings. It could symbolise entanglement, like for instance, when our ideas come to life and pay off. When approached in a more literal way, it shows how the railroads will switch with the underlying “earth” and continue underground (rail + earth -> earth + rail)
LOGO (brand image)

We tend to integrate aesthetics throughout our statement. The logo, banners, folders, slideshows and blog consist of a consistent number of the same colours in its layout. Notice how the base colour green-grey (170/187/170) is similar to the mainline in the skyline. The three degenerated types of grey (125/137/153 , 147/162/173 , 125/139/151) used as colours of the skyline in the back, are similar to the colours used in the different “headers” on our blog. The orange colour used in the letters of our studio “team Crosslink” name is derived from the logo of our blog host “Blogger”. Small details reflect our trained eye for perfection ;)
Media combination
With our three different personas in mind, the choices of media are endless. However, the granny should also be able to use the media, so that limits our possibilities a bit. High tech cell phones with gps applications will probably not be found in an old lady’s purse, but we can still use the technology, as long as it operates on its own and the project viewers will not have to control it (or it should be very easy to control). To make is accessible to everyone, we could combine the high tech applications with ‘old’ visual media, like television or posters, but also laser beaming or projections are options. This way, everyone can see what is going on, not just the people with internet cell phones. It also makes ‘enjoying the chaos’ easier, since you won’t constantly be looking at a tiny screen in front of you, you will be looking around you, at the chaos itself.
Ideally, the media should allow different people to use it at the same time, to generate interaction between those people and create a sense of togetherness.
The most important thing we want to achieve with our CM-project is that, in the end and during the project, the people of Delft have the feeling they are a closer community. We want the people to enjoy what is happening and give them an opportunity to participate in the project and share it with others. We want to connect people by means of the project (worker to visitor, visitor to visitor). Ideally we want to create a sense of togetherness within the community of Delft & emphasize the beauty of the Spoorzone project.
Our project’s lifetime is not very clear yet, but it’ll probably be the same as the Spoorzone project, or maybe even longer! It’s most likely not shorter, because people need to be stimulated all the time. Through updates and different stages in the project it is kept exciting and worth exploring, so people won’t get bored or used to it. The place of our project is mainly at the building site, but probably also at people’s homes (internet) and maybe even somewhere in the city, where the project is not directly visible. It is something that whole of Delft has to deal with, so it’s not strange to connect the whole of Delft with our project.
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